Why Dunwoody BikeShare is a Great Addition to Your Property

The type of transportation that people use to get around is a big factor for them. While most people use automobiles, many of them don’t have to. 

Bicycles are a form of transportation that often gets overlooked by people when they’re traveling. In some foreign countries, like Japan and Thailand, bicycling is a common practice because it is more affordable than owning and operating an automobile. 

But for your residents/guest, encouraging them to ride bicycles can be more about keeping them physically healthy rather than just the economics of it.

If you were to pass out “Discover Dunwoody” promotional materials and set up a bike share station outside of your property, more people would be motivated to ride a bike rather than take their car. 

The promotional materials you provide can include, local eateries, entertainment, shopping, detailed information about the bike share station, where they can park it, and how they can securely lock their bike so that it doesn’t get stolen. If employees feel confident about riding a bike to work, then more of them will do it.

Your private station can serve as an added health & wellness amenity and an alternative clean air transportation option. 

Your private station can be fee based or free to your residents. 

Why Dunwoody for Bike Share?

Meraki Consults, LLC Bike Share business is geared and structured around the Dunwoody Bicycle Network's combination of on-street bike lanes, off-street paved trails, and adequate signage and road marking to encourage safety between vehicles, cyclists, and pedestrians.

In accordance with the executive summary of the City’s first Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP), this document identifies transportation strategies and projects for the City to implement based on the policy and goal statements set forth in the City’s first Land Use Comprehensive Plan. The guiding principles centered around the plan are three core values: choice, connectivity, and community. Meraki Consults, LLC implements those same core values in the community with their Bike Share Business.

The Three Core Values

Whether it’s a primary mode of transportation or an occasional way to get from place to place, biking is healthier than driving or riding transit – it burns more calories, builds more muscle, and reduces stress on the environment. Giving the residents along Meadow Lane Extention and along with the many residents living in the apartment homes behind the Perimeter Village Shopping Center the choice to use bikes for shorter trips rather than driving their cars which can lessen traffic congestion.

Bringing Bike Share to Perimeter Village Shopping Center will enable the comunity residents whom work and enjoy the city the option to connect with actvities at Perimeter Mall, the shops along Hammond Drive and movies and dining along Perimeter Center West without using their vehicle.

Meraki Consults, LLC Bike Share will bring opportunities for increased interaction within the community, increased recreational opportunities, and increased active living opportunities in the city of Dunwoody.

As part of the 2017 CTP Update amenities such as Meraki Consults, LLC automated bike rental station and short-term bike parking racks are identified as ways to improve conditions and encourage increased ridership.

Bike Share Programs

How Bike Share Programs Work

The typical bike share system has several defining characteristics and features, including station-based bikes and payment systems, membership and pass fees, and per-hour usage fees.

Programs are generally intuitive enough to facilitate a manageable learning curve for novice users. And, despite some variation, the differences are usually small enough to prevent confusion when a regular user of one city’s bike share uses another city’s program for the first time.

What Bike Share Can Do For You

Whether it’s your primary mode of transportation or an occasional way to get from place to place, biking is healthier than driving or riding transit – it burns more calories, builds more muscle, and just generally makes you feel better.

If you’re committed to using your local bike share program regularly, you could reduce or completely cut out those inconvenient trips to the gym, painful jogs around the neighborhood, or awkward tussles with home exercise equipment

The Bike Share Systems Include

Specially designed for fun, comfort and reliability. Features 7-speed gearing, step-thru frame and soft leather seats.

One bike per rack. Offers maximum flexibility and bike station configurations. Racks install in minutes - No power required!

Free on iOS and Android. Allows riders to geolocate available bikes and provides a simple one-button checkout.

Cloud-based software provides real-time monitoring of bike activity, access control, and customizable billing plans.

The system comes with a Liability Release and Waiver form that every rider needs to sign to use the bike share program. This waiver form can be customized by the owner in the Admin system. This waiver requires the rider to accept certain risks, accept financial responsibility for the bike, and accept personal responsibility for incidents or accidents while riding the bike.

No electricity needed totally solar powered and very little space is needed for installation. Self contained and maintained and fits perfectly around the property and the city as well as the parks.