Why Dunwoody BikeShare is a Great Addition to Your Property

The type of transportation that people use to get around is a big factor for them. While most people use automobiles, many of them don’t have to. 

Bicycles are a form of transportation that often gets overlooked by people when they’re traveling. In some foreign countries, like Japan and Thailand, bicycling is a common practice because it is more affordable than owning and operating an automobile. 

But for your residents/guest, encouraging them to ride bicycles can be more about keeping them physically healthy rather than just the economics of it.

If you were to pass out “Discover Dunwoody” promotional materials and set up a bike share station outside of your property, more people would be motivated to ride a bike rather than take their car. 

The promotional materials you provide can include, local eateries, entertainment, shopping, detailed information about the bike share station, where they can park it, and how they can securely lock their bike so that it doesn’t get stolen. If employees feel confident about riding a bike to work, then more of them will do it.

Your private station can serve as an added health & wellness amenity and an alternative clean air transportation option. 

Your private station can be fee based or free to your residents.