Meraki Consults, LLC Bike Share business is geared and structured around the Dunwoody Bicycle Network's combination of on-street bike lanes, off-street paved trails, and adequate signage and road marking to encourage safety between vehicles, cyclists, and pedestrians.
The Three Core Values
Whether it’s a primary mode of transportation or an occasional way to get from place to place, biking is healthier than driving or riding transit – it burns more calories, builds more muscle, and reduces stress on the environment. Giving the residents along Meadow Lane Extention and along with the many residents living in the apartment homes behind the Perimeter Village Shopping Center the choice to use bikes for shorter trips rather than driving their cars which can lessen traffic congestion.
Bringing Bike Share to Perimeter Village Shopping Center will enable the comunity residents whom work and enjoy the city the option to connect with actvities at Perimeter Mall, the shops along Hammond Drive and movies and dining along Perimeter Center West without using their vehicle.
Meraki Consults, LLC Bike Share will bring opportunities for increased interaction within the community, increased recreational opportunities, and increased active living opportunities in the city of Dunwoody.
As part of the 2017 CTP Update amenities such as Meraki Consults, LLC automated bike rental station and short-term bike parking racks are identified as ways to improve conditions and encourage increased ridership.